Australia lags on global fur action
Cruelty, COVID-19 and changing times - It's time to end Australia's contribution to the fur trade.
In the wake of COVID-19 outbreaks, and rising consumer sentiment away from fur, thousands of fashion brands, designer labels and fashion retail outlets are banning the use of fur in their supply chains. Further still, countries and states have been responding to growing public opposition by enacting bans on both fur farming and the sale of fur as the most effective means to bring this cruel, deadly, and deceptive industry to an end.
Scratch the image below with your cursor or finger to reveal the truth behind fur trimmings.

How popular is fur among Australian consumers?
In Australia, fur is one of the least consumer-supported animal derived textiles still in use today. In 2021, a YouGov poll found that 71% of surveyed Australians were concerned about the fur industry with rising demands for ethical and sustainable clothing.
What are the regulations for the fur in Australia?
More countries, states and cities around the world are banning fur sales and imports globally. In Australia, there is an absence of laws on fur sale and use but we are seeing local councils within NSW respond, with six councils to date advancing motions to investigate and implement bans on fur and exotic products.
NSW and Victoria could lead the way by enacting bans on fur sales, accompanied by information standards on labelling and testing mechanisms. Read our recommendations in our latest investigation report on "Frightening Reality of Fur" for more information.
Are there issues with fur products sold in Australia?
As discussed with CHOICE Australia, FOUR PAWS investigations have revealed mislabelled fur products across both NSW and Victoria, raising major concerns about the lack of basic traceability and transparency for fur products sold in Australia. Read our findings from the investigations here and get tips on how to distinguish real from faux fur.
This is a cruel, unnecessary product that many Australians do not support, and has dubious traceability and major issues of mislabelling. Australia needs to end its import of fur and fur sales.
FOUR PAWS calls for the ban of fur sales
Australia has the opportunity to end its support of the cruel, deadly, and deceptive fur industry by banning fur. This can begin with councils and states, and ultimately lead to a national ban on production, imports and sales of fur.
The harm against animals, the deception of Australian consumers, the risk for zoonotic diseases, and the environmental devastation more than justifies Australia completely shunning this cruel fur industry.
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