Rescue Lionesses Tomoyo and Illiana
A fresh start soon in South Africa for former French circus lions
In December 2024, originally three lionesses were rescued from a circus near Paris thanks to the joint collaboration of the French NGO Free Life, the Tonga Terre d’Accueil refuge, the Belgian Wildlife Rescue Centre Natuurhulpcentrum and FOUR PAWS. Fortunately, the circus owner voluntarily chose to retire the lions and transfer them to a sanctuary.
The lionesses, Tomoyo and Pepsi, are sisters born in 2012, while the third lioness, Illiana, was born in 2014. All three were born in the circus and were kept together in a circus trailer. To our knowledge, the lionesses were forced to perform until the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in 2020, after which they have no longer performed.
Waiting in France before their transfer to South Africa
FOUR PAWS has agreed to provide a new home for the lionesses at our LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary. However, as the preparation for their transport to South Africa takes time, the Free Life Association has organised to temporarily place the lionesses at Tonga Terre d'Accueil, a French animal refuge, until all processes are finalised for their transfer to LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary.
At LIONSROCK, the lionesses will be in great company with our other rescued big cats. In May 2024, we also rescued lion Romeo from a circus in France, and transferred him to South Africa where he has settled in beautifully and feels right at home.
With the support of a team and transport vehicle from Natuurhulpcentrum, the big cats were successfully relocated to Tonga Terre d’Accueil on 10th December, 2024. Although the transfer went smoothly, we are heartbroken to announce that only two of the lionesses will continue their journey.
A tragic farewell to Pepsi
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of lioness Pepsi shortly after her transfer. Despite the best efforts to save her, she sadly succumbed to acute kidney failure. Unfortunately, it was only after after her arrival at the Tonga Terre d’Accueil refuge that it was discovered she was in very poor health and had likely been suffering from severe kidney issues for some time. We are deeply saddened by her loss.
Unfortunately, many big cats are still suffering in circuses across France. However, there is hope for a better future and we welcome France’s decision to implement a general ban on the use of wild animals in travelling circuses as of December 2028.
The future is still bright for the two lionesses
The two remaining lionesses have comfortably settled in and are receiving expert care at Tonga Terre d’Accueil refuge. Their first vet examination has shown that both lionesses are doing well, although Iiana is unfortunately very overweight. But the team on-site and we are confident that she will gradually lose weight and build muscle soon by exercising outdoors. Both lions enjoy exploring their outdoor enclosure at Tonga Terre d’Accueil.
We are in constant communication with the local team regarding their well-being and are busy preparing everything for their transfer in spring 2025. There, we will provide these lionesses the species-appropriate forever home they deserve!