Rescue Dog Ursus
With painful injuries, dog Ursus was left for dead in a field
When our partner shelter Speranta Pentru Animale recieved a call from a concerned dog walker after he heard dog screams in a field, the rescue team rushed straight out to the location. The team were shocked by what they saw. There was a male dog laying in a field crying in pain. His abdomen was pierced with several injuries, he had three legs, unable to move and was clearly in a lot of pain. Despite his horrific injuries and suffering, he was incredibly gentle with the team members as they approached. It was if he knew straight away, that help was there for him.
He was taken back the veterinary clinic where he underwent a series of tests. It is suspected that he was shot. Sadly the tests showed that he has spinal cord trauma, which has left him paraplegic, this means he will never walk on his own again and will have to use a wheelchair, especially made for dogs, for the rest of his life.
The team called this beautiful boy Ursus, which is Romanian for bear. He is only about five years old and despite his terrible past, he has a sweet and gentle nature. Unfortunately, due to his injury, it is very difficult for him to ever find a home of his own. He will likely live the rest of his life at the shelter.
The shelter is home to almost 600 dogs. Many of these dogs will never find a home outside of the shelter, but Speranta will protect them for the rest of their lives.
Update March 2020
Ursus is doing well at Speranta! He's always wants to play and has high energy, even acting like a little playful puppy.