Rescue Cat Buttercup
How a wheelchair changed this little furball's life
Three-month-old female kitten “Buttercup” was found on the side of a road in Vietnam. Our team found her lying paralysed, unable to move her back legs or even get up. She was extremely weak, dehydrated and generally in a terrible condition. We quickly learned that she had been hit by a motorbike and was left behind to die. Our team quickly assessed her condition, and as soon as it was possible, she was rushed to the vet for further care.
At the clinic, the veterinarians suspected that Buttercup sustained damage to her spinal cord, causing her hind legs to be paralysed. She was put on strict cage rest and antibiotics. Following several days of cage rest, sweet Buttercup was started on gentle physiotherapy and massage. Her wounds required daily treatment.
It seemed unlikely that Buttercup would ever walk again due to the injuries she sustained, but that didn’t stop her from being a happy, playful kitten. As she is a little fighter, she built up strength every day and could be placed in a foster home where she received the necessary care and love and was able to play with her kitten friends.
Update 05. August 2019
For over two months, we have been working to help rehabilitate Buttercup using massage, hydrotherapy, and passive range of motion exercises. She has gained more and more motor control in her hind legs. As you can see on the picture, we equipped her with a special wheelchair, with which she cruises around at lightning speed. We are still hopeful that one day she might be able to walk again by herself, but for now, this solution seems to make her very happy.
What we do?
As part of the Southeast Asia Partnership Program, FOUR PAWS operates a program in Central Vietnam, 'Cats Matter Too', with local charities "PAWS for Compassion" and "Vietnam Cat Welfare" to raise public awareness of the cat meat trade, to rescue sick and injured cats, and to provide desperately needed education and spay/neuter services, particularly for young children.