Ruthless Czech tiger trader walks free after suspended sentence: 

FOUR PAWS calls on the European Commission to finally ban tiger trade


4.6.2019 – On 4th June, big cat trader Ludvik Berousek, who made global headlines last year after tiger skins and parts were found on his property, was given a two-year suspended sentence and a fine for his contribution to the illegal trade in tigers and the processing of their body parts into tiger products. International animal protection organisation FOUR PAWS, who published incriminating investigations of Berousek in 2018, condemns this sentencing as it does not reflect the seriousness of the crime.

In 2018, FOUR PAWS published incriminating investigations around the same time Czech police raided Ludvik Berousek’s property and found dead tigers, a skin, and other parts of the animals’ bodies.

With such a weak sentencing, Berousek can keep his animals and continue to trade in tigers and other big cats. He still holds a circus license and a commercial wildlife trader license. In 2018, he claimed that he keeps 50 lions, 35 tigers, ten leopards, and approximately 100 other animals on his properties near Prague.

“The sentencing does not reflect this crime and undermines efforts to curb the illegal wildlife trade globally and in the European Union. To avoid further cases of illegal tiger trade, the Czech government must ensure crimes like this go punished accordingly. Furthermore, the European Union needs to ban the commercial trade in tigers as the issue of commercial trade is not limited to one country. FOUR PAWS remains in contact with the Czech authorities regarding big cats in captivity and has offered assistance in building and managing a state-owned sanctuary for tigers and other big cats to tackle the out-of-control numbers in private keeping and trading,” 

says Kieran Harkin, International Head of Wild Animal Campaigns at FOUR PAWS.

Czech authorities take action against tiger traders

In July 2018, the Czech police raided Berousek’s and other properties in Prague and in central and northern Bohemia in suspicion of illegal killing of tigers and possession of tiger products. A freshly killed tiger was seized at one of the properties, shot in the eye in order not to damage the skin. The dead tigers were also used to make tiger broth, a substance sold as traditional medicine for the supposed treatment of all kinds of ailments. Shortly before the raids and the arrest of Berousek and two other individuals, FOUR PAWS published its own investigation on the well-known tiger trader. In the video material, he is proudly showing his tiger breeding facility near Prague and discussing the sale of tigers to Asia, including ways to manipulate permits and bypass authorities.

Countless big cats suffer in captivity for trading purposes in Europe

The July 2018 raids, as well as the in-depth research by FOUR PAWS, show that tiger trade is not only an issue in Asia, and it spreads far beyond the Czech Republic.

“Ludvik Berousek is just one breeder who got caught, and he already poses major problems with dozens of big cats on his property. But what about the traders keeping tigers in their backyards in France, Germany, or Spain? The European Union must end all commercial trade in live tigers as soon as possible to clean up its mess and avoid more animal suffering”, says Harkin. 

The Czech Ministry of Environment immediately reacted to the Berousek case last year by suspending the export of tigers to non-EU countries, which is a first step towards improvement and further emphasizes the need for an EU-wide ban.

EU legislation lacks effective regulations on tiger trade

The breeding and trading of tigers is allowed throughout the EU. Lack of documentation makes it impossible to determine how many of these tigers live in captivity in Europe, where they are traded or where they die. Tigers are endangered wild animals that need protection. Only by ensuring there is no market for tigers and their parts in Europe, the European Union can be serious about contributing to protecting wild living tigers in Asia and playing a positive role in fighting the illegal trade of all wildlife.

“The ruthless trade with tigers remains a significant problem in the EU due to a lack of effective regulation and monitoring of breeders and traders. In a global effort, FOUR PAWS urges the European Commission to once and for all ban the commercial trade in tigers throughout the European Union,” says Jeroen van Kernebeek, FOUR PAWS Australia’s Country Director.

FOUR PAWS has launched a petition

Elise Burgess

Elise Burgess

Head of Communications

M: 0423 873 382

FOUR PAWS Australia
GPO Box 2845 

Main Phone: 1800 454 228

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FOUR PAWS is the global animal welfare organisation for animals under direct human influence, which reveals suffering, rescues animals in need and protects them.

Founded in 1988 in Vienna by Heli Dungler and friends, the organisation advocates for a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding. The sustainable campaigns and projects of FOUR PAWS focus on companion animals including stray dogs and cats, animals in fashion, farm animals, and wild animals – such as bears, big cats, and orangutans – kept in inappropriate conditions as well as in disaster and conflict zones.

With offices in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Kosovo, the Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, the UK, the USA, and Vietnam as well as sanctuaries for rescued animals in eleven countries, FOUR PAWS provides rapid help and long-term solutions.

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