Guinea pig

How much Do you know about Guinea Pigs?

Test your knowledge about this little rodent here!


We prepared some statements for you – can you find out, which are true and which are false?

Question 1 of 4

Baby guinea pigs are born toothless

You are right! Baby guinea pigs lose their milk teeth before they're even born: Newborns already have a full set of teeth, as they lose their milk teeth while they're still in the womb. Within their first 24 hours, they can already eat solid food.

Oops, that is the wrong answer! Baby guinea pigs lose their milk teeth before they're even born: Newborns already have a full set of teeth, as they lose their milk teeth while they're still in the womb. Within their first 24 hours, they can already eat solid food.

Guinea pigGuinea pigGuinea pigGuinea pigGuinea pigsGuinea pigsGuinea pigGuinea pig
Guinea pig

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