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welcome to the four paws community!

None of this would be possible without the support of animal lovers like you. Get involved now!

Dog in need


for a better world for animals

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Cats in a slaughterhouse


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our key topics

LiveKinder for a better world


for animals, for us, for our home

Dog rescued

ending the dog and cat meat trade

Our goal to #ProtectMillions

Breaking locks on cages

Help Bile Bears

FOUR PAWS fights for bears in Vietnam 


emergency Missions

Helping help animals in crisis situations

Rescuing dogs

Companion animals

Find out what you can do to help pets in need

Pandemics and animal welfare

pandemics and animal welfare

Advocating for higher animal welfare as part of pandemic prevention


Help for Animals Worldwide

Discover on the world map where FOUR PAWS operates

Rescuing bears

Our Work for Bears

Rescued tiger Tsezar

Our Work for Big Cats

Helping stray animals

Our Work for Stray Animals

Rescued cat

Our Work to End the Dog and Cat Meat Trade


Our Work for Farmed Animals

Wear it Kind to fix fashion

Our Work for Fashion Victims

Together, we can create a world where people treat animals with respect, empathy, and understanding.

Bear Mira on a flowery meadow in a sanctuary

home for rescued bears and big cats

Discover our sanctuaries and cooperation projects of FOUR PAWS


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