10 Amazing facts about Geese
Did you know that geese are good "guard dogs"?
- As goslings, ducks and geese will bond with the first suitable moving stimulus, no matter if this is a goose, person or even an object. They remain dedicated to that person or object as their surrogate “parent” throughout their lives.
- Geese are highly social animals. If they are raised around other livestock and fowl, they usually get along well with them.
- Goose is actually the term for female geese, male geese are called ganders. A group of geese on land or in water are a gaggle, while in the air they are called a skein.
- Geese eat seeds, nuts, grass, plants and berries.
- They are the largest waterfowls, the other being swans. Though they are waterfowls, they spent most of their time on land.
- Geese always fly in the shape of a ‘V’, as it allows at least 71 % greater flying range. When the goose in the lead gets tired, another goose takes over the position.
- Geese are very loyal. They mate for life and are protective of their partners and offspring.
- Geese express a mourning behavior when they lose their mating partner or their eggs.
- They enjoy preening their feathers, foraging for food in the grass, and collecting twigs, bark, and leaves to use to make “home improvements” in their nests.
- They have strong affections for others in their group. If a goose gets sick or is wounded, a couple of other geese may drop out of formation to help and protect him.
1. Hoffman HS. Imprinting and the Critical Period for Social Attachments: Some Laboratory Investigations. In: Sensitive Periods in Development. Psychology Press; 1987.
2. Hoy S. Nutztierethologie. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer; 2009.
3. editor. Grazing Habits and Social Behavior of Canadian Geese. BioExpedition. 2020 [accessed 2023 Oct 10]. https://www.bioexpedition.com/grazing-habits-and-social-behavior-of-canadian-geese/
4. What is a Group of Geese Called? (Full List and Why?) | Birdfact. [accessed 2023 Oct 10]. https://birdfact.com/articles/what-is-a-group-of-geese-called
5. What Do Geese Eat? (Full Diet, Feeding, Habits + Behavior). Birdfact. [accessed 2023 Oct 10]. https://birdfact.com/articles/what-do-geese-eat
6. Mirzaeinia A, Heppner F, Hassanalian M. An analytical study on leader and follower switching in V-shaped Canada Goose flocks for energy management purposes. Swarm Intelligence. 2020;14(2):117–141. doi:10.1007/s11721-020-00179-x
7. Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese: FAQs. [accessed 2023 Oct 10]. https://www.canadageese.org/faq4.html
2. Hoy S. Nutztierethologie. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer; 2009.
3. editor. Grazing Habits and Social Behavior of Canadian Geese. BioExpedition. 2020 [accessed 2023 Oct 10]. https://www.bioexpedition.com/grazing-habits-and-social-behavior-of-canadian-geese/
4. What is a Group of Geese Called? (Full List and Why?) | Birdfact. [accessed 2023 Oct 10]. https://birdfact.com/articles/what-is-a-group-of-geese-called
5. What Do Geese Eat? (Full Diet, Feeding, Habits + Behavior). Birdfact. [accessed 2023 Oct 10]. https://birdfact.com/articles/what-do-geese-eat
6. Mirzaeinia A, Heppner F, Hassanalian M. An analytical study on leader and follower switching in V-shaped Canada Goose flocks for energy management purposes. Swarm Intelligence. 2020;14(2):117–141. doi:10.1007/s11721-020-00179-x
7. Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese: FAQs. [accessed 2023 Oct 10]. https://www.canadageese.org/faq4.html