10 facts about dogs
Surprising facts about “man’s best friend”
From hunting companions to protectors – the relationship between dogs and humans goes back thousands of years. Today, one of the most domesticated animals, in many parts of the world the Canis lupus familiaris is a beloved family member and friend we share our lives with. Here are 10 fascinating facts about our furry companions.
- Dogs can smell diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
- Dogs conduct their “business” in a north south direction.
- Dogs can smell about 10,000 times better than humans.
- Dogs know when they do not have enough information to solve a problem and actively search for more input.
- Dogs have three eyelids.
- To drink water, dogs plunge their tongue straight into the water, pull it to the rear and shovel the water into their throat.
- The smell in a dog’s urine lets other dogs know if the one who left the message is young or old, male or female, healthy or sick and happy or angry.
- Dogs can see colours, however, their perception of colour resembles that of a person who is colour blind.
- Dogs can estimate the size of another dog by the sound of their growling
- Sweat ducts in dogs’ paws are activated when it is too hot and helps to keep their body temperature cool. Because of dogs’ “sweaty feet”, they leave wet footprints.