Australia's Law & Policy Submissions
Our work to improve animal welfare laws in Australia
The most effective way to protect animals over the long term is to improve legal frameworks. Australia is a nation of animal lovers — citizens have long demanded for the better protection of animal welfare. Our work in Australia attempts to achieve this goal by means of submitting open letters and policy submissions at the federal and state levels, and through public education to the general public.
See the timeline of our work here.
timeline of our submissions
Submission: Improving Dog Welfare Outcomes in Tasmania
FOUR PAWS Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Tasmanian Government’s “Improving Dog Outcomes in Tasmania’ consultation and commends the Government for recognising the importance of improving the welfare, social, behavioural and emotional needs of dogs and pups in Tasmania. Read our submission here.
Submission on the Draft Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2025
FOUR PAWS welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2025 (POCTA Regulation). This review represents a critical moment to strengthen animal welfare protections in NSW, and we urge the Government to align the new regulations with community expectations, national commitments, and global progress and standards in animal welfare. Read our submission here.
Inquiry into ‘The Management of cat populations in New South Wales‘
FOUR PAWS is concerned regarding current cat management practices in NSW and across Australia. These practices do not align with modern science, fall short of community expectations, and are outdated, ineffective and inhumane. While we acknowledge the need for effective cat management strategies, mandatory containment risks unintended consequences that could exacerbate existing challenges. Read our submission here.
Inquiry into Impact of the phase-out of Australian live sheep exports by sea on New South Wales
FOUR PAWS endorses the $107 million compensation package for industry transition to humane alternatives and supports the Federal Government's ban on live sheep exports. Read our full submission to the New South Wales state government here.
Submission to ‘Draft Commercial Kangaroo Management plan 2025-2029 kangaroo Management plan
FOUR PAWS is concerned about the welfare of kangaroos killed for the commercial kangaroo industry, and the sustainability of kangaroo populations across South Australia. Tens of millions of kangaroos have been killed in the last decade. Our submission highlights concerns about the process of developing the draft plan, inherent cruelty, lack of transparency and changes proposed - namely the expansion of commercial zones into national parks and reserves, population estimates and process of setting of quotas. Read our submission.
Proposed changes to the Dog and Cat Management laws in South Australia
The South Australian Government has a unique opportunity to make changes to the current Dog and Cat Management laws in South Australia to benefit the community, the environment and cats. However, FOUR PAWS is concerned about the failure to incorporate the latest scientific and evidenced based approaches to cat management and the negative impact a number of the proposed changes will have. Read our submission here.
Submission to the consultation on the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy
FOUR PAWS welcomes the opportunity to provide input on the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). Whilst we acknowledge the Government's commitment to developing a new strategy and appreciate the opportunity to participate, FOUR PAWS has several concerns that must be addressed for the AAWS to be successfu Read our submission here.

Review of the Code of Practice on the Humane Treatment of Wild and Farmed Australian Crocodiles
This review presents the opportunity for the Code to create meaningful animal welfare improvements that are in line with or exceed community expectations, and that follow the latest scientific literature on crocodile behaviours and welfare. Read our submission.

Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan
The climate crisis is an opportunity to rethink food and farming and to catalyse a transition to a food system that benefits planet, animals and humans. Read our submission.
Submission to the Productivity Commission Review of Philanthropy
We make this submission to raise awareness of the specific concerns of animal welfare charities in relation to existing charity regulation and its effect on philanthropic giving in Australia. Read the submission here.

Proposed Amendments 2022 of the Export Control Rules 2021
We are deeply concerned about animal welfare tragedies that regularly occur when live animals are exported by sea, and we expect the Australian Government to act on the numerous tragedies recorded. Read our submission.

Animal Welfare Act Amendment Bill 2022 (TAS)
Our submission emphasising important key developments within the Bill, and opportunities for further development to best address animal welfare in Tasmania.

Remaking the Game and Feral Animal Control Regulation in New South Wales (NSW)
In New South Wales, some types of hunting are regulated under the Game and Feral Animal Control (GFAC) Act 2002 and its Regulation 2012. The GFAC 2012 is scheduled to be remade by 1 September 2022. Read our submission.

Animal Care and Protection Amendment Bill, Queensland (QLD)
On 12 May 2022, the Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities introduced the Animal Care and Protection Amendment Bill 2022 to modernise animal welfare laws in Queensland. Read our submission.

Inquiry into puppy farming in New South Wales (NSW)
The Select Committee on Puppy Farming in New South Wales was established on 24 November 2021 to inquire into and report on puppy farming in New South Wales. Read our submission.

NSW Animal Welfare submission 2021
While there are some welcome improvements proposed in the Discussion Paper, there are a lot of missed opportunities to bring NSW into line with standards of modern animal welfare legislation. Read our submission.

Inquiry into kangaroos in New South Wales (NSW)
NSW Legislative Council's Report No 11 - PC7: Inquiry into the health and wellbeing of kangaroos and other macropods in New South Wales. Read our submission.