Live Sheep Exports: Legislate the Date Australia!
In a rare chance, a Parliamentary Petition for the House of Representatives is active right now and it needs your signature
The Albanese Government has taken an encouraging step in the right direction, by committing to end the live exports of sheep from Australia. Right now, considerations are being made about how and when this phase out will happen.
The small live sheep export trade is fighting to reverse this policy decision to keep the cruel sheep trade open, despite overwhelming public support for a ban and continued evidence of horrific animal suffering.
While the live export industry is attempting to make this a regional-only issue, the cruelty of live sheep exports reflects poorly on all Australians and therefore, all Australians deserve to have their voice heard.
There is a Parliamentary Petition for the House of Representatives active this August, and its needs your signature.
Add your name now to tell the Australian Government that you expect them to #LegislateTheDate.
Support the national call to end live exports of sheep from Australia and call for legislation to be introduced.